Click Me


Select area of your interests from the right hand menu.


  • Simple, clean and easy to use Web 2.0 graphical user interface.
  • Customizable icons and translations.
  • Real-time messages transfer speed.
  • Chat in multiple rooms at the same time.
  • Instant messaging.
  • Automatically open different chat-room based on point of user entry.
  • Create custom user groups and group privileges and map them to your system groups.
  • Limit instant messaging to groups only or to friends only.
  • Unlimited number of chat-rooms.
  • Detachable chat area to a separate browser window.
  • Seamless integration with your usernames database.
  • Completely authenticated chat entry, chat can be loaded only and only on your website.
  • Using pure http protocol with no firewall issues for your users.


In-room functionality:

  • Public and private messages.
  • Delete your own messages.
  • Variable text color and font selection.
  • Enable/disable sound alerts.
  • Clear messages from the screen.
  • Loadable messages history from log.
  • Admin kick/ban users by username or IP.
  • Admin delete any message from room and log with just one click.


For additional configuration parameters please read our Configuration pages.

Special commands:

/me text
(used for writing messages in 3rd person)

/roll (/r), /rolla (/ra), /rolld (/rd)

Command format:
( [#]d#([.c]))

Command explanation:
( [number of dice]d[number of sides on dice]([.extra command]))

[] - optional value
() - recurring
c - extra command:
.+# - plus
.-# - minus
.*# - multiply
./# - divide
.min - minimum value
.max - maximum value
.sorta (.sa) - sort ascending
.sortd (.sd) - sort descending
.e#d# - for each rolled die if value is larger then e# roll extra dice of d# sides

/roll d20 => 1 die random value between 1-20
/roll 2d20 => 2 dice each random value between 1-20
/roll 2d20.+5 => 2 dice each random value between 1-20, add 5 to each
/roll 2d20.+5.max => 2 dice each random value between 1-20, add 5 to each, pick maximum value
/roll 2d20.+5.sorta => 2 dice each random value between 1-20, add 5 to each, sort ascending
/roll 2d20.+5.sa => 2 dice each random value between 1-20, add 5 to each, sort ascending
/roll 2d20.+5.e12d10 => 2 dice each random value between 1-20, add 5 to each, for each value greater then 12 roll extra 1 die with 10 sides
/roll d20 2d10 => 1 die random value between 1-20 and 2 dice random value 1-10