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System wide configuration parameters

You can place any of the following parameters into your config/system.js file to overwrite default values.

Example looks like this:

bcDataConfig.system.mainTitle = "Our Chat";
bcDataConfig.system.sessionKeepAlive = 0;

Parameter name

Default value


bcDataConfig.system.mainTitle "Our Chat" String
Main chat title
bcDataConfig.system.sessionKeepAlive 14 Number
(minutes, 0 - never)
If you require that blastchat keeps user session alive on your website, define the interval
bcDataConfig.system.sessionUrl "" String
In case you require blastchat to keep user session alive, provide URL that should be called (preferably with a very small response output).
For Joomla as an exampple: "index.php?option=com_blastchatconfig&task=keepsession&format=raw"
bcDataConfig.system.detachUrl "" String
If you want chat, shout be detachable (pop-out), fill in the detach URL
For Joomla as an example: "index.php?option=com_blastchatconfig&tmpl=component&format=raw"
bcDataConfig.system.profileUrl "" String
URL link to user profile, place [id] where user id should be placed
bcDataConfig.system.profileNewWindow false Boolean
Set this parameter to true if you wish the user profile to open in a new window
bcDataConfig.system.baseClass "bcIcon" String
Base CSS class for icons
(defined in config/css/icons.css file)
bcDataConfig.system.iconClassChatters "bcIconChatters" String
CSS class for Chatters/Users icon
(defined in config/css/icons.css file)
bcDataConfig.system.iconClassRooms "bcIconRooms" String
CSS class for Rooms icon
(defined in config/css/icons.css file)
bcDataConfig.system.iconClassConfig "bcIconConfig" String
CSS class for Config/Settings icon
(defined in config/css/icons.css file)
bcDataConfig.system.iconClassMessages "bcIconMessages" String
CSS class for Messages icon
(defined in config/css/icons.css file)
bcDataConfig.system.iconClassExit "IconExit" String
CSS class for Exit/Disconnect icon
(defined in config/css/icons.css file)
bcDataConfig.system.iconClassDetach "bcIconDetach" String
CSS class for Detach/Pop-out icon
(defined in config/css/icons.css file)
bcDataConfig.system.baseClassBar "bcIconBar" String
Base CSS class for icons in "Bar"
(defined in config/css/icons.css file)
bcDataConfig.system.iconClassChattersBar "bcIconChattersBar" String
CSS class for Chatters/Users icon in "Bar"
(defined in config/css/icons.css file)
bcDataConfig.system.iconClassRoomsBar "bcIconRoomsBar" String
CSS class for Rooms icon
(defined in config/css/icons.css file)
bcDataConfig.system.iconClassConfigBar "bcIconConfigBar" String
CSS class for Config/Settings icon
(defined in config/css/icons.css file)
bcDataConfig.system.barWidth 200 Number
Width of the "Bar" base element
bcDataConfig.system.barHeight 30 Number
Height of the "Bar" base element
bcDataConfig.system.mainHeightBar 180 Number
Height of the "Bar" room/user list area
bcDataConfig.system.roomWidthBar 220 Number
Width of the "Bar" room/im area
bcDataConfig.system.roomHeightBar 320 Number
Height of the "Bar" room/im area
bcDataConfig.system.bannerChatTopHeight 0 Number
Height of the banner on top of chat area
bcDataConfig.system.bannerChatTopUrl "" String
URL of the page to load as a banner on top of chat area
bcDataConfig.system.bannerChatBottomHeigh 0 Number
Height of the banner on bottom of chat area
bcDataConfig.system.bannerChatBottomUrl "" String
URL of the page to load as a banner on bottom of chat area
bcDataConfig.system.bannerShoutTopHeight 0 Number
Height of the banner on top of shout area
bcDataConfig.system.bannerShoutTopUrl "" String
Height of the banner on top of shout area
bcDataConfig.system.bannerShoutBottomHeight 0 Number
Height of the banner on bottom of shout area
bcDataConfig.system.bannerShoutBottomUrl "" String
URL of the page to load as a banner on bottom of shout area

bcDataConfig.system.userlistMinSize 160 Number
Minimum width of the userlist area inside chat room
bcDataConfig.system.roomlistMinWidth 80 Number
Minimum width of the roomlist area inside chat
bcDataConfig.system.roomlistMaxWidth 200 Number
Maximum width of the roomlist area inside chat
bcDataConfig.system.roomlistMaxHeight 200 Number
Maximum height of the roomlist area inside chat
bcDataConfig.system.inputMinSize 56 Number
Minimum height of the message input field
bcDataConfig.system.inputNoWriteMinSize 21 Number
Minimum height of the message input field when user can not write messages
bcDataConfig.system.avatarServer null String
Set base URL of the avatars webserver, if you have dedicated webserver serving avatars (images), This will be prefix to the avatar path and avatar imagefile.
example: http://images.mydomain.com
bcDataConfig.system.soundsServer null String
Set base URL of the sounds webserver, if you have dedicated webserver serving sounds, This will be prefix to the sound path and avatar imagefile.
example: http://sounds.mydomain.com
bcDataConfig.system.showUserlistButtonChat true Boolean
Show Userlist button in Chat interface
bcDataConfig.system.showUserlistButtonShout true Boolean
Show Userlist button in Shout interface
bcDataConfig.system.showUserlistButtonBar true Boolean
Show Userlist button in Bar interface
bcDataConfig.system.showUserlistButtonMob true Boolean
Show Userlist button in Mobile interface
bcDataConfig.system.showRoomlistButtonChat true Boolean
Show Roomlist button in Chat interface
bcDataConfig.system.showRoomlistButtonShout true Boolean
Show Roomlist button in Shout interface
bcDataConfig.system.showRoomlistButtonBar true Boolean
Show Roomlist button in Bar interface
bcDataConfig.system.showRoomlistButtonMob true Boolean
Show Roomlist button in Mobile interface
bcDataConfig.system.showFullName false Boolean
Show user's Full Name instead of Username

bcDataConfig.system.showGuestList false Boolean
Show guest list in the userlist area

bcDataConfig.system.viewStyleChat "standard" String
Chat messages style. Accepted values "standard" or "compact"
bcDataConfig.system.viewStyleShout "standard" String
Shout messages style. Accepted values "standard" or "compact"
bcDataConfig.system.viewStyleBar "standard" String
Bar messages style. Accepted values "standard" or "compact"
bcDataConfig.system.newMessageOnTop false Boolean
Place new messages on top of older

Instant messaging section 

bcDataConfig.system.showButtonSendIM false Boolean
Should the "Send" clickable button be visible in the IM area?
bcDataConfig.system.emoticonsGroupId 0 Number
Emoticons group id to be used in the IM area (emoticons and emoticon groups are defined in the config/emoticons.js file)
bcDataConfig.system.emoticonsGroupBaseClass bcEmoticon String
Base CSS class for IM emoticons, (defined in the config/css/emoticons.css file)
bcDataConfig.system.emoticonsGroupColsIM 6 Number
Emoticons will be presented in so many rows in the IM area
bcDataConfig.system.soundsGroupId 0 Number
Sounds group id to be used in the IM area (emoticons and emoticon groups are defined in the config/sounds.js file)
bcDataConfig.system.soundsGroupBaseClass bcSound String
Base CSS class for IM sounds, (defined in the config/css/sounds.css file)
bcDataConfig.system.soundsGroupColsIM 6 Number
Sounds will be presented in so many rows in the IM area
bcDataConfig.system.soundsRoomMessage 0 Number
Id of the sound that should be played on incomming message inside IM area (defined in config.sounds.js file)
bcDataConfig.system.bannerHeight 0 Number
bcDataConfig.system.bannerUrl "" String
bcDataConfig.system.avatarsIM true Boolean
Should the avatars be used in the IM area?
bcDataConfig.system.showWeblinksIM true Boolean
Should the weblinks be used in the IM area?
bcDataConfig.system.emoticons true Boolean
Emoticons usage allowed in the IM area
bcDataConfig.system.sounds true Boolean
Sounds usage allowed in the IM area
bcDataConfig.system.colors true Boolean
Colors usage allowed in the IM area
bcDataConfig.system.fontstyle true Boolean
Font Style usage allowed in the IM area
bcDataConfig.system.fontsize true Boolean
Font Size usage allowed in the IM area
bcDataConfig.system.detectUrl true Boolean
Auto detection of URLs inside message allowed in the IM area
bcDataConfig.system.autoKickBan true Boolean
Auto kick/ban protection active in the IM area
bcDataConfig.system.messageMaxLength 250 Number
(number of characters in the message, 0 - unlimited)
Maximum length of the submitted message
bcDataConfig.system.messageMaxLines 3 Number
(number of lines/rows in the message, 0 - unlimited)
Maximum numberof lines/rows in the submitted message
bcDataConfig.system.messageSingleModeIM false Boolean
By default, chat adds incomming message visually under previous message without name/avatar in case previous message was from same user. If you prefer to show username for each message, set this to true
bcDataConfig.system.maxMessagesIM 0 Number
(0 - unlimited)
Maximum amount of messages to show in the IM area
bcDataConfig.system.copypasteIM false Boolean
Set value to true to allow copy/paste and save history to text file functionality

End of Instant messaging section

bcDataConfig.system.badWords null Array
badWords filter, array of strings, example ['a','b']
bcDataConfig.system.badWordsReplacement *** String
badWords replacement string
bcDataConfig.system.isBadWord   function(array, string)

function that filters badWords
function(badWords, word) {
    //code to find word in badWords array and return true or false

bcDataConfig.system.autoKickBanLimitReached 3 Number
how many times the buffer limit must be reached before kick (3rd offence results in kick)
bcDataConfig.system.autoKickBanLimitReachedWithin 60 Number
bcDataConfig.system.autoKickBanBanOn true Boolean

bcDataConfig.system.autoKickBanBanDuration 900 Number
bcDataConfig.system.autoKickBanBanAllRooms true Boolean
ban access to all rooms
bcDataConfig.system.autoKickBanBanIP true Boolean
ban by user IP address